Hi, I’m Dr Alka Patel!

Data driven health and longevity are my priority.

Awards and Professional Registration


  • Holistic Health Care Practitioner Of The Year

  • Professional Speaker Academy Winner

  • Distinction in the Membership of the Royal College of GPs

  • Diploma in Lifestyle Medicine

  • Certification in Applied Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice

  • Diploma in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • European Coaching and Mentoring Council Coaching Accreditation

  • Titles in: Gynaecology - Paediatrics - Obstetrics - Dermatology

  • Total of 40 letters after my name (yes, I’m a lover of learning)


Data Driven Medicine is my tool of choice

When I first entered medicine in 1995 with an MBBS in medicine and surgery from The University of London, Guys and St Thomas’s, I was driven by a pure fascination with the body and brain. From here I achieved a distinction in the MRCGP (Membership of the Royal College of GPs) and 10 more titles including my Diplomas in Lifestyle Medicine and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and my EMCC Coaching qualifications (European Coaching and Mentoring Council), as well as titles in gynaecology, paediatrics, obstetrics and dermatology, culminating in over 40 letters behind my name! (yes, I’m a lover of learning!)

25 years on, and over a quarter of a million patients later, I’ve realised that my core motivation is watching incredible people transform their health trajectory. It’s their unfolding stories, and their success in health, life and business that inspires me to keep showing up and sharing data, devices, and tools to empower individual health choices directed towards longevity.

Devices imagery

Just like the ambitious individuals I now work with, I too was highly driven in my early career pulling all my energy into my ambitions, until my body shut down. I had fought through a high fever at work and ended up on a hospital bed, fighting for my life, with my beautiful husband and children at my side. When you experience the fragility of life, it teaches you to notice what’s important. During my recovery I became aware that it wasn’t the pills that were nourishing me back to life, it was my lifestyle choices; my sleep, my nutrition, my emotions. That was the turning point that now fuels my mission to synchronise ambitious individuals' success with the self-care that they need in a precise, strategic way so that they can continue to elevate their performance and impact and share their skills and passions for as long as possible.

I’ve been there

In my 25 years of medical practice as a GP and personal experience as a CEO, I've seen the darker side of the ‘entrepreneurial drive’ - the ‘revolving door’, as I call it, of pioneering, successful people losing their momentum to ill-health. 

Look, I've been there myself; burnt-out in a hospital bed on my birthday, suddenly having to admit that I too had believed attending to my own health would take too much of my focus away from my ambition…until it really did. Retrospect is always our greatest teacher, and only now, on the other side of burnout, do I see that health is the foundation of success.

I was a typical doctor - a ‘drug-pusher’- at one point in my practice, but during my recovery, I came face to face with what truly makes the difference to sustainable health - daily, personalised lifestyle choices. And it’s these active, empowered health-choices that I now teach you how to make.

Watch this video to find out why and how.

  • Dr. Alka gave me the confidence

    “Dr. Alka gave me the confidence to move in the direction I really wanted. I am so happy that I flicked that switch and I have not looked back since. Habits are difficult to break, but what you need is knowledge, experience, and strategies. What you need most of all is accountability, and Dr. Alka did that for me, which was more than I expected.”

  • Dr Alka gave me the knowledge

    “Dr. Alka was there when I was about to crack. She did not force me into anything, and was really caring. She was open, and waited until I was ready. At the moment I was ready, I remembered her words and took up all the challenges she gave me. Dr. Patel gave me the knowledge in a way that made me think. She is amazing at explaining things in layman's terms, and it prompted me to take action.”

  • Dr. Alka helped me understand

    “Dr. Alka was able to articulate what I was feeling, and helped me to understand where my frustrations had come from. The one thing I will never forget is when she told me that I did not need anyone else’s permission to do things. She gave me that mental freedom to go and pursue the things I am good at. She has given me the confidence to believe in myself as a doctor, mother, wife, and daughter.

  • Dr. Alka made me feel comfortable

    “Dr. Alka made me feel comfortable. She was clear in her explanations and was always very much about added value. She was going above and beyond, and did not ‘clock watch’. She genuinely wanted to get to the root of the problem, and she was a good listener as well. She made me feel normal and that it is a normal part of life to have these symptoms. I did not feel weird in any way.”

  • Showing me healthy habits

    “Dr Alka showed me a positive identity around health and fitness and showed me how to incorporate healthy habits into my daily life, benefiting me massively. Once I invested in the program I saw real progress, feeling healthier and more confident in myself.”

  • I'm in Safe Hands

    “Dr. Patel is very much about reversing ageing. She is a medical doctor, but she is looking at your lifestyle holistically. My relationship with her developed, and I actually feel that somebody is looking after me. My life has actually transformed and I know I’m in safe hands.”

Health is a verb not a noun

You might know my leading ideas from my TEDx talk where I call for health to be considered a verb, rather than a noun. Everything I coach, consult, and speak about, empowers you with the tools needed to start treating your health as a verb, and become an autonomous, data-driven active participant in your longevity. 

If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to know exactly how I achieve the results that I do. Where most doctors lead symptoms first, I lead Lifestyle First.

Lifestyle First is a precise, data-driven 10-point method for leading your world with your L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E optimised for longevity and success. I help you to measure each point with your personal bio-markers to make accurate, individualised decisions.

Let’s break it down…

The core components and focus of this method are:

  • Life’s purpose

  • Identity

  • Food

  • Exercise

  • Sleep

  • Time-out

  • Your Connections

  • Learning Habits

  • Emotions

I also encourage you to connect with your D.N.A. - Discovering, Noticing, and Activating your strategic lifestyle choices.

Award Winning Speaker

Giving high priority to the health and wellbeing of the people in your company is the foundation for peak performance, productivity and profitability, resulting in long-term business success. Talk to me about how I can transform health and wellbeing in your workplace